We finally bit the bullet and started "packing" our stuff -- which looks more like every cupboard and shelf in our house has vomited its contents onto various portions of the floor / other flat surfaces.

Somehow, in the next eight and a half days, we will make it all fit into nice neat suitcases, ready to leave for Nairobi on the 16th and the States on the 23rd. It just won't be today. :)

This table migrated to the front room and has become the collection point for "there is no way this is all fitting in my suitcase; it should just stay here in Kenya" types of items that -- hopefully -- we will be able to pawn off on the new team...err...find good homes for.

And, although these two liveboxes may
look like they're playing nicely, only one of them is actually working, the other one is just there for looks -- and as a reminder of all of the
many hours that have gone into trying to maintain a wireless internet connection for the last fifteen months. Lol. (Just pretend that you can't see the dust on the floor behind them...)

For now, we've transitioned from packing to visiting friends for final goodbyes, at least for a few hours. I'm sure there will be more packing in between visits this afternoon.
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