“The second question was more challenging. Was I going to obey Jesus? My biggest fear, even now, is that I will hear Jesus' words and walk away, content to settle for less than radical obedience to Him.”- Radicalby David Platt
I would like to think (for nothing more than the soothing of my own conscience) that anyone who has been following Jesus for more than 0.5 seconds can relate to this one. I know that I can.
In eighth grade, I went on a weekend ministry trip, and, somewhere during the course of that short time period, I told Jesus, “No.” I don't remember what it was about or why – and I clearly made the decision NOT to journal it, which should tell you something about how into self preservation I was (am).
What I do remember is the next song that we sang was Trading my Sorrows. You know, the one with the chorus of, “Yes, Lord; yes, Lord; yes; yes, Lord.”
I thought I was going to choke on the words.
Literal, puke on the floor or the kid next to me, choke on the words.
That time at least, I failed at my, “No.” Since then, I haven't always been so lucky. What about you? When was the last time that you said no and got away with it?
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