“And it is entirely possible that He will tell us to sell everything we have and give it to the poor.”- Radicalby David Platt
Jesus has this habit of calling us to do just the thing that we would most like to push into a back corner and ignore. He calls rich young rulers to sell everything that they have and give it to the poor. He calls teenagers to give up the status quo for their summer and go on a ministry trip. He calls parents to send their kids.
At every turn we have to stop and ask and listen, because it is entirely possible that the crazy ridiculous thing you just heard about is exactly what He is calling you to do.
It might be for an hour. It might be for a day or a MONTH or a year. It might be for the rest of your life.
Almost a year and a half ago, He whispered in my ear a plan to pull teenagers out of their normal lives for long enough to encounter HIM and encounter His JUSTICE.
It wasn't what I had planned to do at all.
Rather than “sell all you have and give the money to the poor,” the whisper was “take all of your plans and give them up for these kids.”
It blindsided me so badly that, for ten minutes or so I. Did. Not. Hear. A. Word that the professor was saying (Yes, the whisper came in the middle of class.). That night, I took a candle to a dark, quiet corner of the house and fought with God about it. I still have those sheets of paper, the scrawled paragraphs where I realized that I could either do this or walk away, like the rich young ruler, sad that I could not follow Jesus.
I decided to go for it. What I didn't (and don't) have the power to do was make that decision for anyone else.
What is Jesus asking you?
What crazy thing are you wrestling with Him over?
How willing are you to let Him win?
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