Gratuitous photos of our last night of Monday night childcare, just because I can.
And, because I’m going to miss these kids!
Gratuitous photos of our last night of Monday night childcare, just because I can.
And, because I’m going to miss these kids!
“And it is entirely possible that He will tell us to sell everything we have and give it to the poor.”- Radicalby David Platt
“In a world that prizes promoting oneself, they were following a teacher who told them to crucify themselves. And history tells us the result. Almost all of them would lose their lives because they responded to his invitation.”- Radicalby David Platt
“Ultimately, Jesus was calling to to abandon themselves. They were leaving certainty for uncertainty, safety for danger, self-preservation to self-denunciation.”
“Contrary to what I may have thought about Luke 9, Jesus was not using a gimmick to get more followers. He was simply and boldly making it clear from the start that if you follow him, you abandon everything – your needs, your desires, even your family.”
- Radicalby David Platt
“Plainly put, a relationship with Jesus requires total, superior, and exclusive devotion.”
- Radicalby David Platt
“We were settling for a Christianity that revolves around catering to ourselves when the central message of Christianity is actually about abandoning ourselves.”- "Radical" by David Platt
“I invite you to join the journey with me. I do not claim to have all of the answers. If anything, I have more questions than answers. But, if Jesus is who He said He is, and his promises are as rewarding as the Bible claims they are, then we may discover that satisfaction in our lives and success in the church are not found in what our culture deems most important but in radical abandonment to Jesus.”- "Radical" by David Platt
“The second question was more challenging. Was I going to obey Jesus? My biggest fear, even now, is that I will hear Jesus' words and walk away, content to settle for less than radical obedience to Him.”- Radicalby David Platt
“His invitations to potential followers were clearly more costly than the crowds were ready to accept, and He seemed to be okay with that. He focused instead on the few who believed Him when He said radical things. And, through their radical obedience to Him, He turned the course of history in a new direction.”- Radicalby David Platt
Monday night we hauled dozens of costume pieces downstairs to use with the kids during our normal “movie time.” A few of them went straight to work, writing scripts all night long – even while the rest of the kids were running in circles on the playground. (Or, looking at tractors across the parking lot, in the case of the little boys.)
Pretty hilarious. Script writing is, apparently, a very loud boisterous process that involves randomly bursting out into various – completely unrelated – songs, just because one can.
And, when you’re outside… anything more or less flat becomes a desk. :)
The better part of thirty minutes was probably spent trying on various outfits and chasing each other around with pirate swords. The mess was impressive, but well worth it, as the parents walked in to find their kids, not watching a movie and whining that they didn’t want to go home, but on stage, loving the mic that we had turned on for them and performing their “plays.”
And, the leaders were loving the fact that they could sit with a few of the littles and eat snack while the rest of the kids kept themselves entertained!
I went barefoot today for One Day Without Shoes. Well, actually, I went barefoot most of today.
I nannied barefoot – much to the consternation of the little boy who couldn’t figure out why I had not left any shoes sitting inside of his front door.
I biked barefoot all day – which garnered a few odd looks from passing motorists.
I rode in the car barefoot – which is normal.
But, I “cheated” and wore shoes (flip flops) while I was on the Rez. Judging from the dirt on my feet when I got home a little before midnight, that may have almost counted as shoeless as well.
Nine years ago, I sat on a dark rooftop with an uncertain and frustrated team. Frustrated by the four walls that seemed to be hemming t...