Tuesday, May 21, 2013



We start with a prayer meeting on Thursday night. Two showings of a documentary Friday and Saturday. Minor sex trafficking in Cambodia.

Saturday morning is a "Run for Rice." The afternoon is set-up for SOLD, tweaking things as we come full circle back to the church that funded the exhibit to begin with.

Sunday is a video testimony. Monday a seminar on shame and forgiveness and the opening of SOLD. 

SOLD Monday through Sunday. Spoken word Thursday night. Poetry slam twice on Friday. Faith Justice Network meeting. The start of a high school fundraiser. Kids bring ten dollars to spend the night and raise money for water filters for a village in Haiti.

Lights out a little before 3:00 and up again a little before 7:00. Car wash from 9:00 to 1:00, where a couple dozen high school students raise over $900 for clean water.

Lunch with speakers from Cambodia. An evening of spoken word, worship, and art.

Spoken word and a sermon on justice Sunday morning. Anti-trafficking training in the afternoon and a tear down of SOLD that evening. Part two of the training Monday night. Women's brunch Tuesday morning with one of the trainers.

And, a deep breath as we all fall into our pillows.

(Somewhere on Sunday there was also 4th grade Sunday school; middle school game, farewell to the 8th graders, and more donuts; Haiti training, Intersect, and a welcome to the freshmen.)

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