Sunday, November 25, 2012

What Works For Me: Large Print Verses

Each week, for the 4th graders, I have been printing off one large print copy of the current memory verse in the biggest font size I can get away with and still keep all of the words on one page. If their crumpled, beaten status at the end of every week is any indication, they are well used. 

1) If I hold it up, everyone can see well enough to choral read without crowding. This helps all of the kids get familiar with reading the crazy words in the verse before they are asked to do it on their own later.

2) It's big enough to mark up. I'll often have two or three kids come and put stars by any words that they don't know, so that we can use one of our tricks to make the crazy words seem less crazy. 

3) It's great for a cheat sheet. We often play some sort of a memory verse game. For things like freeze tag, where they have to tell me the verse to get unfrozen, we often give them an "assist" by holding the verse out and letting them read it. 

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