So, I've discovered this amazing phenomena lately, whereby, every time that I am faced with a blank page or an empty box, waiting to be filled with words, I suddenly have less than nothing to say.
As a general rule, I write when I have answers (or I write to find out that I have answers). Maybe it's an oldest child thing, always wanting to be in control, to be the one who can make sense out of the world and "fix" the problem.
Yeah. Go back and count the number of times the word "I" shows up in that second to last sentence. There might just be a problem there.
For lack of words, we'll see where we get with bullet points.
* The Focus month has been officially delayed until further notice, but, exactly how long further notice is... would be one of those questions without answers.
* By no means does that indicate that the pushing towards justice is taking a back burner, that much I do know for certain.
* Sitting and waiting for answers is not something that Jessica does naturally (pretty sure that it is close to genetically impossible to just leave things be without trying to make them better).
* There are a billion and ten ideas running around in my head -- as always -- and, trying to get them sorted out into "God thing" piles and "Jessica thing" piles could keep a small army of bureaucrats busy for the next ten years or so.
* I get to lead an awesome group of 4th and 5th graders on Sunday mornings and hang with some incredible high schoolers on Sunday and Wednesday nights.
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