The verdict is in -- not that it was ever actually out -- but, quirky as this place is (Yes, those are peace signs painted on the stump of an old tree...someone's half-hearted attempt at a protest, perhaps?), I do love the people who live here.
The sky doesn't hurt anything either. After living in Minnesota, where looking up means seeing tree branches, it's nice to be back in a place where the sky is so big that the clouds feel like you could reach up a poke them and overcast days seem like they are coming down to crush the earth like a giant flat iron; where you can look up in the afternoon and literally see nothing but blue, and where sunsets come in every color you could imagine.
I'm sure that there will be more than enough biting down on my tongue over the next year. After all, if I'm considered to be one of the liberal, hippy ones at a school that isn't super politically conservative... Eastern Washington could be an adventure.
But, there will also be plenty of teaching 4th and 5th grade Sunday School, plenty of being a high school leader on Sunday and Wednesday evenings, plenty of church childcare, and plenty of helping my sisters --and sisters' friends -- with home work to make up for the tongue biting. And, of course, plenty of stubbornly pushing people towards the type of Justice that characterizes the Kingdom of God.
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