Almost exactly three years after I left for school, the last homework assignment has been turned in, the last class was sat through, and the last work study hours have been logged. I am DONE.
My class leaves in a few hours for our grad retreat (there are benefits to having a class of twenty), my family comes on Thursday to check out the city a little, Saturday afternoon I will finally get my BA, and, by Sunday night, I will be home!
It has definitely been an interesting experience all told, but I'll take a sixteen month internship over sitting in a classroom any day, so it was worth it.
That kind of freedom in learning = happiness in Jessica land. Seriously. You want to learn about early childhood education? Go work on a preschool curriculum. You want to study comparative religions? Go have a conversation with your Muslim neighbor. You want to study a new language? Walk outside. No textbooks required. Plenty of learning guaranteed.
Outside of any classrooms or teachers, we all learned how to pluck chickens, build desks, plan and carry out the painting of giant murals, help lead short term teams, wash clothes by hand, teach cross culturally, design costumes, recognize the signs of malaria, run medical clinics, and appreciate American ice cream.
Plus, I am sure, a billion other things that I don't remember right now.

Congradulations on graduating how exciting! Who were your speakers? I have to admit I am happy to hear you would prefer learning here in this place rather than in a classroom- I kind of have a sense of pride, like wow I didnt realize you could do all those things here. Please pray for Righty she has malaria. She is doing awesome taking her medicine. Last night it seemed she was kind of seeing things in between her sleeping, like snakes and witches (how strange) she has two more days taking the medicine. Thanks Jess Love you!
Thanks! Ken Krause was our speaker, and two people from the Austria team were our class representatives. Definitely praying for Righty. That sounds like no fun at all. :(
Miss you guys!
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