I am fairly positive that I only got off the plane last January with one suitcase -- well, actually, my suitcase came on a different plane. Lol -- but, in the thirteen months since then, I have collected an amazing number of books, additional clothing, and just plain additional stuff. (Convinced that the Borrowers' long lost cousins live in Kenya, but were confused by the change in culture and have taken to depositing things under my bed.)
It really begs the question of just how much stuff is necessary. I have essentially worn the same two black skirts for thirteen months, so it is obviously possible to live without a huge wardrobe, but, at the same time, I have gone from my original three shirts to enough to go two weeks without washing or re-wearing a single shirt.
I think that it is about time for the Borrowers to come visit their long lost cousins and steal some of the things that have been deposited, because, at this rate, I'm going to need a dozen extra suitcases to get home. (Okay. It's not that bad, but...)
As an American, I count as one of the global rich, with access to huge amounts of resources, and I have to wonder how much is "enough."
What would I really need to live on?
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