Laura is probably the one on the team most like me (Yes, Dad, she's a tight wad who hates shopping too :-P). We blame it on the fact that our mothers could be long lost twins... except that her mom grills her with a million questions to get all of the information she wants, and my mom just stalks all of my teammates online. Lol.

She is fairly positive that she wants to work in a Muslim context in North Africa for a good solid chunk of her life, so being able to come here on internship was a really cool opportunity for her. She is the one who makes all of our video blog entries, and she's about to start teaching computer classes to the teachers at Life Frontier School, so we make good use of her technical prowess, and her photography skills. She can draw a crowd with her camera quicker than the rest of us could even think to notice that there are that many kids in the area, and they love making goofy faces and posing for her. Probably one of the biggest areas where we differ, is that she is infinitely more patient and deliberate than I am, and she's been putting that to good use building relationships with a few of the older girls at Life and discipling them in their walks towards the Lord.
Rebecca is our resident artist and the one who designed all of the rooms that we painted at the school. We tease her about being "old" -- all of 26 years -- and about the fact that she's from a farm in Nebraska, but I don't think that any of us could imagine internship without her here.

Her and Ashley have this amazing skill of turning every conversation back to " the nursing home..." or " the assisted living..." that I really enjoy, because it gives me a chance to learn medical stuff besides that first aid and wilderness medicine that I've studied before. Yep. I'm a nerd like that. (Ashley told me last night that she brought a few medical handbooks back from the States, knowing that I would get excited and want to read them. Lol. )
Like the rest of us, she is also nice and stubborn, but she has put that stubborn to very good use in learning Swahili. Our neighbors love her for it, and they are always giving her new words and testing her ever expanding vocabulary. She keeps us on our toes by turning
everything back to the need for prayer, and by asking Bible questions that force us to pull out the mental concordances and try to find the words for things that we may not have tried to verbalize in years. "What does so and so mean when they say....?" "What does in mean in such and such a book when in says ...?" etc.

Me and my smurf nose, I hope you don't need an introduction to, so, I think that you have officially met all of the girls. The boys will likely be over tonight, since we have the internet router at our house, but, for now, let's go to town and let you see what you can see.
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