Sometimes people refer to doing that as "paying it forward," and I just got a chance to see God arrange a really cool incident of paying something forward. 
God told me to give a specific amount of money to a friend, but I didn't have it with me at the time, so, I gave him an IOU and went back to my room to write him a check. Now, when you write a check, you have to put the person's first and last names on it, so that the bank knows that it really is theirs.
Well, I forgot his last name, and God told me not to give it to him with just a first name, so I gave it to him without any name in the "for" part.
The cool thing was that, before I had even given him the IOU, God told him to give a specific amount of money to a friend, and he knew he didn't have the money -- not in his wallet, not in the bank, not anywhere -- but he told God that he would do it.
It was the exact same amount that God told me to give him.
Not only that, if I had put his name on the check, he would have had to mail it to North Carolina before the money could get to his bank account to be given away, but, because that part was blank, he could write his friend's name on the check and give it straight to them.
That meant that, instead of getting the money next week, his friend got the money yesterday.
How cool is all that.
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