July 7th-17th (exactly six weeks from today), we're taking the high schoolers back to Haiti to run another VBS.
In between finals and EOCs, AP testing and graduation, they are super excited about the trip, and we are beyond excited to be taking them! (Although, "we" is much smaller this year - 3 or 4 leaders compared to the 8 we had last year - with the same number of kids.) It will be an adventure to see what God does with the very unique group of people that He has pulled together for this. Of course, when is following God ever not an adventure?
We have fourteen amazing high school students, one young college age, one older college age/potential leader, and three youth leaders. Nineteen all told, with plane tickets being bought on Tuesday.
In missions land, the purchasing of plane tickets is a big deal - the point where the commitment has been made, a good chunk of the money has been provided, and people are either all in or all out. So, this is about to become very, very REAL. At least, real in the tangible, logistical sense of reality. It has been real in the hearts and minds of the people going for far longer than that.
It has been prayed over, thought about, wished through, and talked to death. It is still alive and constantly pulsing at the back of minds and hearts. The kids who went last year have come to three conclusions:
1) We don't have any idea what God is going to do.
2) It is going to be nothing like what we saw Him do last year.
3) It is going to be amazing.
These kids are faithful and servant hearted and frighteningly good at loving with everything that they have. I have already heard them pray hard things over the trip, the type of fully surrendered prayers that God seems to take delight in answering, so I know that, whatever else it turns out to be, it will be a trip where Christ is present.