"Sawdust flew around members of Bethel Church on Thursday as they gathered in an empty horse barn in Kennewick. They lugged and lifted sheets of plywood and nailed them together in what in about six months will become modules for an exhibit on the human slave trade.
Members of the church are working to raise awareness about human trafficking and how it affects lives in the Tri-Cities and around the globe.The exhibit, planned to be unveiled in May during a "Justice Weekend" at the Richland church, will tell the story of different facets of the human trafficking trade.
Each module will represent a different country and a different human trafficking issue facing that country's citizens -- sex trafficking in the United States, for example, or children being forced to serve as soldiers in war-torn African or Asian nations."Via the Tri-City Herald: read the full story HERE. We had some great reporters come out who were well informed as to what else is happening in the area to combat human trafficking. We also had some great volunteers who came, built, let us use their barn, fed us, and didn't complain about the fact that we were building in an unheated stable at the end of December.
ARES Engineering donated work hours to put together our blueprints and Home Depot donated most of the delivery costs for the wood.
Now... we get to turn our giant wooden maze into an international experience. (More construction pictures HERE.)