Deadline #1:
November 30th is the "ideal" date by which my team is supposed to have fund raised 100% of the budget for our Kenya internship. I'm currently at 76%, so, I'm getting there slowly but surely. Please be praying for the rest of my team though. About half of us are really struggling to get the finances together.
Everyone still believes that it is God's will for them to be on this intern team, so we are just waiting to see how He provides. Pray for peace and wisdom regarding how to get the word out.
Deadline #2:
November 30th (this seems to be the magical date for some reason) is the final day of NaNoWriMo, which means that myself and thousands of other nutty folks will have officially each written a 50,000 word novel in the month of November -- hopefully.
If I seem a little extra insane this month, this might be the reason. (I'm at 9,000 words so far. Whoot. Whoot! -- Although that means at least another 1,000 words need to be written before midnight tonight, if I'm going to keep on schedule....)